Over the years I have met and gotten to know many dogs. Most of those have had very loving people caring for them, loving and protecting them. When I became an animal massage therapist I began connecting with the dogs and their people in a deeper way. When someone has a family member that they love very much, that they are responsible for, who may be experiencing discomfort or pain and I am asked to help alleviate that pain and discomfort, the emotional well-being is as important as the physical relief.
I have had the privilege of knowing many of these relationships. One of the longest has been with Tully and her Mom, Elizabeth. Tully had a tough start in life. Like many of the beloved dogs I work with, she was rescued from a bad situation and welcomed into a forever, secure, loving family. Elizabeth nurtured Tully through her numerous emotional scars. She allowed Tully to be Tully soon realizing that under the scared, nervous exterior there was a royal personality waiting to blossom.
Tully soon realized her potential as a Diva and became the one of a kind lady we loved. She made an impression on all who met her. Her life was blessed with many years of the kind of love and attention that an only child craves until her Mom brought home a little brother. By then Tully was older, a senior in every sense of the word, and Oliver was taught to respect that. It became a somewhat peaceful, utilitarian situation for Tully who allowed Oliver to be the boy that he needed to be as long as he didn't infringe on her all encompassing rights.
Unfortunately for all of us, we have lost Tully as she had to cross the Rainbow Bridge. She was a trooper, true to her royal nature, right up to the end of her beautiful life here with us. We love you Tully, we grieve with you Elizabeth and we will always hold a warm place in our hearts and a smile for sweet, spunky, Tully. She is sorely missed.
1 comment:
Thank you J Linn this is a beautiful tribute to my Tully Girl
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