Hi my name is Oliver. You may have seen my picture on J's site (although I am much handsomer in person) as I occasionally get massages from her
About a month ago my mom picked me up at The Whole Pup (another good place to see pics of me) and said "you are going to see J Linn tomorrow and swim!" Huh I thought-me swim. Oh no I don't think so. I am a Lhasa (ok mix but still) not a LAB-what was she thinking??
Saturday arrived and off we went-yippee. I have been to Splash Dog before Tully Girl used to go there to swim. I smelled the air and thought I am outta here no swimming for this dude!
I see J Linn and think ok, not so bad a massage which I could use after a hard week playing at TWP.. Egads, I have to get in the water first- no way Jose! Well, of course I was overruled and into the water went. Now I love my mom but she acts like a cheerleader-"come on Oliver you can do it." Geez, how embarrassing. Then she makes fun of my unique use of my tail as a rudder. How rude is that I ask you?
Well, finally I am done and let me tell you I ran down the ramp and was excited to get into the tub for a bath-which I am usually not-who wants to smell like that shampoo? I like my manly ala naturale smell.
Low and behold two weeks later and there I was again. It was not as bad this time but still-I am a cool dude and messing with my "do" is just not right. My mom tells me I am swimming better-Tully must me helping me. Well, maybe a little. She was old and she could swim like nobody's business.
Then last Saturday there we were again. I was excites this time though because I had been practicing my technique during my many naps. And let me tell you I was a sight to behold! I swam and swam. No rudder needed! I swam around the pool 3 times! Not bad for a pup with crooked front legs. J Linn said I am buff like I work out in the gym (thank you for noticing!) but with more swimming I will have a body like a runner! I may be neutered but I am still a chick magnet. Devi, Char and all The Whole Pup girls like to spend time with this dude!
So now I like going to Splash Dog and seeing J, grabbing a massage and SWIMMING! If I can only keep my mom from putting Tully's yellow ducky robe on me after my bath! I mean really.. a yellow duck on this buff bod? What is she thinking??